Ask almost any pet lover whether or not their dog loves them, and you’ll get the same answer – of course they do! To many of us, the love we feel for our dog is obviously mutual. But do dogs feel “love” in the way that we understand it? Animals perceive the world and interact… Read More
Categories: Dogs
Quick Notes on Dog Training Benefits Regular training sessions can lead to better communication and a stronger relationship between you and your pup. A well-trained dog is easier to control, reducing the risk of dangerous situations. Training teaches respect for boundaries and proper behavior in social settings, making interactions with other dogs and people… Read More
Categories: Dogs
How to Keep Your Dog Cool on a Hot Day: Key Takeaways Frozen toys and treats: Create dog-friendly popsicles by freezing a bowl of water with your dog’s favorite toys or treats, such as apple slices, to provide a refreshing and engaging snack. Dedicated shaded area: Set up a shaded area using tarps, sheets, or… Read More
Categories: Do It Yourself, Dogs, Tips for Your Pets
Spring has finally decided to make its arrival, and now it’s time to get outside and enjoy it—but don’t forget to take your pup along with you! There are plenty of outdoor dog activities you can do with your furry friend that will be enjoyable for both of you. Here are five outdoor activities you… Read More
Are you over the cold winter weather? So are we, but unfortunately, we still have a little over a month left until we can officially say “Its Spring!” In order to lift your spirits and shake those winter blues, we thought we would compile another favorite list for you! This time, however, we are sharing… Read More
Whether or not you have accepted it, the fact remains that winter is right around the corner! And for dog owners in particular, this means taking your dog out and walking them – even when it is freezing cold. It is important to remember that your dog’s safety and well-being is just as important as… Read More
Categories: All Posts, Dogs, Pet Safety
The kiddos have started back to school, the leaves are beginning to change colors and the air has a coolness about it that reminds us that we are heading into the fall season. Fall is a great season, especially in Ohio, and we thought we would share with you some of the reasons we love… Read More
A Quick Preview of Our Dog Care Hacks Effective hair removal techniques – To manage pet hair, use a squeegee on carpets or damp rubber gloves on upholstered surfaces. These methods efficiently gather dog hair, reducing the need for frequent vacuuming and making cleanup easier. Innovative feeding solutions – To slow down fast eaters, place… Read More
Having a dog is one of life’s greatest joys. They love you unconditionally and it is only right that you show them the same amount of love by providing them with such joys as a dog friendly backyard. Dogs love playing outside, but you need to make sure that your outdoor area for your… Read More
Categories: All Posts, Dogs, Pet Safety
Traveling over the holidays can be a lot of fun, but pet parents often worry about their animals when they’re on the road. Having seen our share of anxious parents, we have the 411 on how you can breathe easier, knowing that your dog or cat is comfortable and well-cared for while you’re away: Prepare… Read More
Categories: All Posts, Cats, Dogs, Holidays, Tips for Your Pets