Everything You Need to Know About Microchipping Your Pet | Pet Palace

Everything You Need to Know About Microchipping Your Pet

microchipping your pet

Whether you’re a cat or dog owner, making the decision to microchip your pet is not one that should be taken lightly. If you’re wondering if microchipping is the right fit for your furry friend, you are in the right place. We’re here to answer the questions you might have about microchipping your pet, so read on to learn about what this process entails and how it can be beneficial.

What Is Pet Microchipping and How Does it Work?

Let’s start with the basics. A pet microchip is a device the size of a grain of rice that is implanted under your pet’s skin and contains a unique identification number that can be read with a microchip scanner in case your pet is lost or stolen.

The procedure for microchipping your pet is quick and relatively painless. In fact, it is similar to a routine vaccination and can even be done during a regular veterinary visit with minimal discomfort for your furry friend. While the injection process can be conducted at any age, it is common to do it while your pet is young because it is normally part of the initial vaccinations and preventative care that a young pet receives.

During the implantation process, the microchip is injected into loose skin between the shoulder blades using a syringe-like device. Microchipping your dog or cat does not require any anesthesia, making it easier to prepare for and care for your pet afterward.

After your pet has been microchipped, it is important to register the microchip’s information. The registration process is done through the microchip manufacturer’s database or a third-party pet recovery service. It is essential to keep the information associated with the microchip up to date if you move or change phone numbers, as this is the information that will be used should your pet go missing.

FAQs About Microchipping Your Dog or Cat

Now that we’ve discussed what microchipping your pet is and how it’s done, we are going to answer some frequently asked questions that will give you more clarity.

How does the microchip help locate my pet if they are lost?

If your pet is lost, you can contact the microchip registry to notify them. When your pet is found and taken to a veterinary clinic or shelter, the company can use a microchip scanner to retrieve the identification number and contact that is listed in their database.

Will my pet still need other forms of identification, like a collar and tags?

Even if you plan on putting a microchip in your dog or cat, we still recommend having multiple forms of identification for them. Using a collar and tag is a highly visible way for someone to quickly identify your contact information if they find your pet. It also suggests that your pet is domesticated and belongs to an owner rather than being a stray, which will make someone more inclined to help reunite them with you.

Microchipping your cat or dog is an ideal action to take along with a collar and tag, as it is a more permanent form of identification that is tamper-proof. Collars and tags could get damaged, torn, or taken off, but a microchip will stay in place for the duration of your pet’s life.

Could my pet’s microchip fall out?

Once the microchip is properly implanted in your pet, it acts as a permanent form of identification. This means that it is secure and cannot be easily lost or removed. This also means that microchips are designed to last throughout the lifetime of your pet, as they do not require battery replacement or anything similar.

What are the health risks associated with microchipping?

Microchipping your dog or cat comes with minimal risks. As we discussed, the implantation process is comparable to a vaccine, which is a routine practice at any veterinary clinic. Serious health risks are rare, but there are minor risks associated with any medical procedure, such as infection or irritation at the implantation site. However, these issues are temporary and will usually resolve quickly on their own.

Does microchipping my pet mean that they will be tracked in real-time, like a GPS?

Microchips do not have GPS capabilities, and therefore they do not facilitate the tracking of your pet in real-time. The chips can only be detected and read by a microchip scanner at veterinary clinics, shelters, or animal control facilities. The information they will have access to is the information offered in your online profile, which is enough to get your furry friend back home.

What is an ISO microchip?

This refers to a microchipping system that is approved by the International Standards Organization, a body working to create an identification system that is consistent worldwide. Having a microchip approved by this organization is definitely the best option for those who plan to travel internationally with their pet, because should the pet get lost on the trip, the ISO scanners would be able to read the pet’s microchip.

Benefits of Having a Microchip in Your Pet

Microchipping your pet is not only easy for your pet, but it’s also easy for owners because it requires virtually no maintenance. Other benefits of having a microchip in your dog or cat include:

  • Permanent identification – Microchipping your pet is a permanent and unalterable form of identification for your pet. A microchip will stay with your pet throughout its life, unlike a collar which can be lost or removed.
  • Increased chance of reunion – In the unfortunate event that your pet goes missing, a microchip will significantly increase your chances of being reunited with your furry friend. This is because animal shelters, vet clinics, and other similar places will have the technology needed to scan the microchip in your pet and will contact you to facilitate a reunion.
  • Cost-effectiveness – Putting a microchip in your cat or dog is a one-time expense that provides long-term benefits. It is a relatively inexpensive procedure, especially compared to the costs and stress associated with searching for a lost pet, or dealing with the legal issues related to ownership disputes.

Reach Out for Pet Boarding or Grooming Services!

If you want to ensure your pet is safe and sound while you’re away, know that the team at Pet Palace will keep them secure, healthy, and comfortable.

For more information on our pet boarding, day care, and grooming services, please contact our team today!

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Cats, Dogs, Pet Safety, Tips for Your Pets
