Why You Should Get Your Pet’s Teeth Cleaned | Pet Palace

Why You Should Get Your Pet’s Teeth Cleaned

We’re sure you’ve heard it before…you need to get your pet’s teeth cleaned. Although that probably isn’t news to you, do you know the reason why? Keep reading to find out the answer, and learn more about the teeth brushing service we offer here at Pet Palace.

cleaning your pets teeth

What Problems Could My Pet Face If I Don’t Get Its Teeth Cleaned?

Whether you own a dog or a cat, there are a number of problems your pet could face if you don’t get its teeth cleaned regularly:

  • Bad Breath. Periodontal disease is the most common cause of bad breath in pets. In fact, it’s so common that an estimated 80% of dogs and cats have signs of periodontal disease by the age of three. Regular cleanings help keep bad breath at bay.
  • Pain. Unfortunately, our pets can’t tell us when they’re in pain. However, the same way humans with dental problems experience pain, our pets do too. By getting your dog or cat’s teeth cleaned regularly, you’ll keep their teeth, gums, and mouth in the best possible shape, so they feel their healthy best.
  • Medical Complications. If your pet already has an illness, unchecked gum disease can complicate it. For example, diabetic cats with dental disease typically suffer more, because chronic oral infections make it difficult to control blood sugar levels.
  • Serious Illness. Pets who don’t receive proper oral care are at greater risk of developing heart, liver, or kidney damage. Because there’s a lot of blood flow in the mouth area, mouth bacteria can be carried through the bloodstream, damaging heart valves and the filtration system of the liver and kidneys.

If you’re concerned about any unusual behaviors your pet might exhibit, like excessive licking, it could be a sign of oral discomfort or other health issues. Learn more about possible causes of odd licking behaviors.

How Often Should I Have My Pet’s Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

The American Animal Hospital Association recommends annual exams and dental cleanings for dogs and cats. These should begin at one year for cats and small breed dogs, and at two years of age for larger-breed dogs.

How Can I Care for My Pet’s Teeth Between Professional Cleanings?

There are a few things you can do to protect your pet from developing gum disease:

  • Brush your pet’s teeth daily.
  • Ask your vet if a special dental diet is recommended. These dental foods use a special kibble to provide better teeth cleaning.
  • Look for chew treats with the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal. The seal means these treats have met established standards for controlling plaque and tartar.

Does Pet Palace Resort Offer Teeth Cleaning?

During an appointment with a veterinarian dentist, your pet is anesthetized so the dentist can scale and scrape the teeth to remove plaque beneath the gum line. Although we don’t offer that service, we DO offer teeth brushing as an individually priced spa service.  This is a great, affordable way to help keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy in between visits to a professional veterinarian.

To book a teeth brushing appointment for your pet, contact your local Pet Palace by phone or request a grooming appointment online.  We have two locations in the Indianapolis, Indiana region, and four throughout Ohio in Columbus, Hilliard, Delaware, and Cleveland.

Lora Shaw

About the author

Lora Shaw

Lora Shaw is currently the Vice President of Operations at Pet Palace.

Categories: Pet Grooming
